Case study: identification of
sorting errors and implementation
of awareness-raising initiatives

Find out how Veolia is helping Clermont Auvergne Métropole to reduce sorting errors through targeted and effective awareness-raising campaigns.
For over a year, Veolia and Clermont Auvergne Métropole have been using proprietary Lixo technology to analyze all types of collection.


followed by
the Lixo solution


by Lixo sensors

tonnes of waste

analyzed since the solution was installed

+510 000
collection bins

have been detected
by Lixo


How did Lixo become an everyday tool for Veolia's teams?

Find out how Veolia uses their collection data to improve sorting quality.

"All towns that want to improve their sorting performance should equip themselves with Lixo.
For me, it's the essential tool for identifying sorting errors, implementing priority actions and then evaluating the relevance of these actions."

Aurélien Beaufils
Research and Sales Director


View errors by type
- Analysis of neighborhoods and streets with a high level of contamination
- Details of sorting errors by collection point
- Automated analysis to complement human analysis
Setting up awareness-raising campaigns
- Interpretation of data to create awareness-raising campaigns
- Targeting of areas and addresses requiring intervention
- Specific support using photo evidence
Hazardous waste detection
- Real-time alerts on the presence of this type of waste
- Reduction of professional and material risks
- Intervention with the establishments concerned to modify their sorting practices


Why did Veolia choose Lixo?

Veolia's teams now consider Lixo to be an indispensable tool for Clermont Auvergne Métropole. Renowned for its reliability and detection capabilities, Lixo provides collectors with the levers they need to optimize the impact of their awareness-raising campaigns.

collection issues

Deployment results

 Visualization of sorting errors for all collections
 Essential indicators for targeted actions
 Protection of teams from hazardous waste
 Specific support in areas to raise awareness

For Veolia, Lixo is